
Experimental study on gas-coal dust coupling explosion in semi-closed pipeline

  • 摘要: 瓦斯-煤尘耦合爆炸事故危及煤矿工业的健康发展。为进一步研究半封闭垂直空间内瓦斯和煤尘耦合爆炸的压力规律,自制了包括爆炸腔和传播管道以及配套设备的半封闭垂直管道系统,其中爆炸腔和传播管道同时收集压力数据。在系统内进行25,50,100,200 g/m3 4种煤尘浓度下45,75,106,150 μm 4种粒径与9%瓦斯耦合爆炸的实验,通过实验数据结合理论对比分析了爆炸腔与传播管道中最大爆炸压力与最大压力上升速率的变化规律。实验结果表明:① 随着煤尘粒径的减小,爆炸腔与传播管道中最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率逐渐增大,粒径为45 μm时达到最大; 爆炸腔内最大爆炸压力增大幅度高于传播管道,最大压力上升速率与煤尘粒径呈线性变化趋势; 传播管道内最大压力上升速率随着煤尘粒径的减小变化幅度增大,没有明显线性关系。② 随着煤尘浓度的增加,爆炸腔与传播管道中最大爆炸压力与最大压力上升速率先增大后减小,在达到峰值前,爆炸腔内最大爆炸压力与最大压力上升速率的增大幅度高于传播管道。③ 当瓦斯体积分数小于9.5%,瓦斯-煤尘耦合爆炸存在最优煤尘浓度,使最大爆炸压力达到峰值; 煤尘浓度超过最优浓度时,煤尘对耦合爆炸有抑制作用; 50 g/m3煤尘参与时,最大爆炸压力达到峰值,为最优煤尘浓度; 200 g/m3煤尘参与时,煤尘对耦合爆炸有明显抑制作用。


    Abstract: The gas-dust coupled explosion accidents endanger the development of the coal industry.In order to further investigate the pressure law of coupled explosion of gas-coal dust in semi-closed vertical space, a semi-closed vertical pipeline system, which including explosive chamber and propagation pipeline and supporting equipment, was built.The pressure data was simultaneously collected from both explosion chamber and propagation pipeline.In the system, the coal dusts with four kinds of coal dust concentration, i.e.25, 50, 100 and 200 g/m3, and four dust particle sizes, i.e.45, 75, 106 and 150μm, were coupled with gas with 9% concentration to conduct a coupled explosion experiment.By combining the experimental data and theory, the variation law of the maximum explosion pressure and the maximum pressure increase rate in the explosion chamber and the propagation pipeline were compared and analyzed.Experimental results show that:① with the decrease of coal dust particle size, the increase rates of maximum explosion pressure and maximum pressure in explosion chamber and propagation pipeline increase gradually, and reach the maximum when the particle size is 45 μm.The increase rate of maximum explosion pressure in the explosion chamber is higher than that in the propagating pipeline.There is a linearly regression relationship between the maximum pressure increase rate and particle size in the explosion chamber.The maximum pressure increase rate in the propagating pipeline increases with the decrease of coal dust particle size.The magnitude is getting larger, no obvious linear relationship be founded.② With the increase of coal dust concentration, the maximum explosion pressure and maximum pressure increase rate in the explosion chamber and propagation pipeline first increase and then decrease.Before reaching the peak, the maximum explosion pressure and maximum pressure increase rate in the explosion chamber are higher than that in the propagation pipeline.③ When the gas concentration is less than 9.5%, there is an optimal coal dust concentration in gas-dust coupled explosion, the maximum explosion pressure can reach its peak value under this concentration.When the coal dust concentration exceeds the optimal concentration, the coal dust has a restraining effect on the coupled explosion.When the coal dust with a concentration of 50 g/m3 is involved, the maximum explosion pressure reaches the peak value, which is the optimal coal dust concentration.When the coal dust with a concentration of 200 g/m3 participates, the coal dust has obvious inhibition effect on the coupled explosion.


