
Scale effect and change characteristics of landscape pattern in coal-mining subsided area

  • 摘要: 以微山县地面塌陷较严重的11个乡镇作为研究区,选取适宜的景观格局指数,基于景观生态学的尺度效应理论,找寻最适宜的景观格局空间分析粒度; 采用移动窗口法,进行适宜空间分析幅度的选取,在此基础上进行研究区景观格局分析及纵向样带上景观格局梯度分析,以实现景观格局变化特征的空间量化表达。结果表明:50 m和250 m为研究区较适宜的景观格局空间分析粒度和幅度; 景观水平上,2005年以前,研究区景观破碎度较低,优势景观明显,自然连通度较高,2005年之后,随着经济的发展及城市化进程的加快,景观格局趋于复杂化与多样化,破碎化程度较高,连通度降低,2010年之后,由于矿区土地整理项目及塌陷地治理工程的逐步实施,景观格局趋于规整; 景观类型水平上,耕地的斑块类型面积起初急剧减少,受政策影响又缓慢增加,且分布较集中连片,整个研究期内,城乡建设用地的面积及聚集度逐渐增大,塌陷积水区的面积也呈逐渐增加趋势,分布较零散且连通度较低,2005年之后,塌陷地经过整治变得较规整。纵向样带上的景观格局梯度分析表明,在水陆交汇地带、居民点周边、塌陷积水较严重的地区及湖岸周边,景观类型多样,景观形状复杂,且越来越细化,破碎化程度较高,景观优势度、聚集程度和连通度较低。研究结果可为后续的矿区生态恢复与重建及景观格局优化提供理论依据。


    Abstract: The 11 towns with serious subsided area in Weishan County were selected as the research area.Based on suitable landscape pattern metrics and the scale effect theory of landscape ecology, the optimum grain of landscape pattern analysis was found.Taking moving window method, the optimum spatial analysis extent was selected.On this basis, the landscape pattern and the gradient along longitudinal sampling belt were analyzed.The quantitative analysis of landscape pattern change characteristics was realized.The study demonstrates that 50 m and 250 m were the optimum spatial analysis scale.The results of landscape level showed that before 2005, landscape pattern showed a low fragmentation, the dominant landscape was obvious, and the natural connectivity was high.After 2005, driven by rapid economic development and urbanization, the landscape pattern tended to be complicated and diverse, the fragmentation was high and the connectivity was reduced.After 2010, due to the land consolidation and renovation of subsided area, the landscape pattern tended to be regular.The results of landscape class level showed that the cultivated land area decreased dramatically at first, then increased slowly and centralized under the policy.Urban and rural construction land area gradually increased and was high aggregation during the whole research period.Subsided land area also increased gradually, scattered and low connected.After 2005, the subsided land became more regular after renovation.Landscape pattern gradient analysis along longitudinal sampling belt showed that at the intersection of land-water area and the serious subsided area, around residential area and lake shore, the landscape pattern was diverse, complex and more and more fragmented, while dominance, aggregation and connectivity were decreased.This research will provide a theoretical basis for ecological restoration and landscape pattern optimization of the mining area.


