
Research and application of stress (pressure) measurement system for physical modeling

  • 摘要: 依托自主研制的采场模型试验系统,研制了与之配套的低扰动、高精度、高效率应力(压力)测量系统,包括工作面超前支承压力监测系统、顶板支护模拟系统和等弹模弱扰动模型应力监测系统3部分。测量系统标定结果表明,超前支承压力监测系统输出值稳定,受载与输出值线性度高; 顶板支护模拟系统基于液压控制原理,具有线性度高、重复性好、力学性能稳定等优点; 模型应力测试块体与模型材料力学性能匹配、变形协调性好,防潮绝缘特性适应模型铺设及养护期间的潮湿环境。采场模型试验应用效果表明,整套测量系统采样精度高、测试效率高,具有良好的长时可靠性; 能够得到覆岩采动应力场的演化特征,可以开展顶板来压特征、支架与顶板相互作用关系研究,为深入阐释采动应力场与覆岩破断形态的关联性研究提供试验依据。


    Abstract: A low-disturbance, high-precision, and high-efficiency measuring system has been developed for a newly-built physical modeling system, and its three component modules have been developed and calibrated on basis of instrumentation data.The calibration results show that the abutment pressure test modulus has stable output.The roof support modeling module is of high linearity, reliability and stable mechanical property.The stress test bricks have good consistency with modeling materials in the aspect of mechanical properties, compatibility of deformation, and its characteristics of moisture-proof and insulation can meet moist model-making condition.The application results indicate that the whole measurement system can provide high precision testing data, efficient sampling works and long-term reliability.The application of this measuring system along with physical modeling system can achieve the evolution of mining-induced stress field and roof weighting prediction, and an enhanced understanding of the interaction between roofs and supports.The key findings could demonstrate the relevance between mining-induced stress and overbying strata breaking.


