
Review of research on recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas and construction of research framework system

  • 摘要: 加强废弃矿区游憩化利用研究,对推动区域可持续发展和实现旅游高质量发展具有重要意义。为实现废弃矿区游憩化利用研究的规范化与系统化,采用文献综述法和归纳分析法系统梳理国内外废弃矿区游憩化利用研究内容、研究方法等相关成果;针对目前研究缺乏“人地关系”视角和忽视游憩化利用的动态性等问题,阐释废弃矿区游憩化利用“人地”关系内涵,揭示废弃矿区游憩化利用动态演进规律,构建了基于人地关系理论的研究框架与方法体系。研究认为,废弃矿区游憩化利用实质是以“人”的需求为起点,通过游憩功能重构,来协调废弃矿区再利用中涉及的“人”与自然环境中“地”关系,实现人地关系的优化。废弃矿区游憩化利用是一个动态演进过程,可划分为3个发展阶段:矛盾阶段、调和阶段和协调阶段。在“人”需求推动下,废弃矿区通过资源化、资本化、产业化和区域化,逐步演化成为“人地”关系和谐的新型休闲游憩功能空间。废弃矿区游憩化利用未来研究应遵循“人”-“地”-“人地关系”的研究框架,研究“人”的动机目标、价值取向、利益诉求;剖析“地”的休闲游憩资源的构成及废弃矿区转换成为休闲游憩空间的条件;探讨“人地关系”和谐下废弃矿区游憩化利用模式、作用机制及其影响效应,提出废弃矿区游憩化利用的政策保障体系。


    Abstract: Strengthening the research on recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas is of great significance for promoting regional sustainable development and realizing high-quality tourism development.In order to realize the standardization and systematization of the research on the recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas, the research contents, research methods and other related achievements of recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas at home and abroad are systematically reviewed and inductively analyzed.At present, the researches lack the perspective of the “man-land relationship” and ignore the dynamics of recreational utilization.So, the connotation of the “man-land relationship”of recreational utilization in abandoned mining areas is discussed, and at the same time the dynamic evolution law of recreational utilization is revealed in abandoned mining areas, and the research framework and methodological system are developed under the theory of the man-land relationship.According to the research, the essence of recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas is to coordinate the relationship between “people” and “land” in the natural environment through the rebuilding of recreational function, so as to optimize the relationship between people and land.Recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas is a dynamic evolution process, which can be divided into three development stages: contradiction stage, reconciliation stage, and coordination stage.Driven by the demand of “people”, abandoned mining areas have gradually evolved into a new leisure space with a harmonious relationship between people and land through resource utilization, capitalization, industrialization, and regionalization.Future research on the recreational utilization of abandoned mining areas should follow the research framework of the “man”-“land”-“man-land relationship”.The future research should study the motive goal, value orientation and interest demands of “man”, analyze the composition of leisure and recreation resources of “land” and the conditions for transforming abandoned mining areas into leisure and recreation spaces, and discuss the mode, mechanism, effect of recreational utilization and the policy guarantee system in abandoned mining areas under the harmonious relationship between man and land.


