
Drag reduction and energy saving method and application for gas drainage water ring vacuum pump

  • 摘要: 水环真空泵是瓦斯等易燃易爆气体安全输送的主要动力设备,其性能对煤矿瓦斯抽采效果至关重要。针对现有水环真空泵运行能耗高、效率低的问题,基于水环泵工作原理与能耗损失过程,提出了水环真空泵减阻节能新方法,阐释了高分子减阻液的黏弹性特性对泵内气液两相流场流动的影响机制。构建了水环真空泵性能测试系统,揭示了减阻剂类型、浓度及泵转速等参数对节能效果的影响规律,优选出适用于水环真空泵内高湍流强度、高剪切作用下的高分子减阻剂。此外,搭建了适用于煤矿瓦斯抽采泵站运行工况下的水环泵节能提效系统,介绍了减阻液配补一体化装置、泵内定量供水装置、水环真空泵节能运行监控系统等关键设备功能及技术工艺流程,并进行了现场工程试验。结果表明:随减阻液浓度增加,节能率增大,吸气流量略增,发现最佳节能效果的减阻液质量浓度为4.5 g/L;随吸气压力增加,节能率呈二次函数关系增大,但气量增加率随之降低;泵转速增大,轴功率快速增加,节能率越明显。通过在淮南矿业集团张集煤矿东风井瓦斯抽采泵站现场应用表明:该系统可大幅降低水环真空泵的运行能耗,在抽采负压不变的条件下,泵节能率达21.1%,进一步通过成本−效益分析得净节能率为18.2%,节能效益显著,有效缓解了瓦斯抽采系统能耗大的问题。


    Abstract: Water ring vacuum (WRV) pump is the main power equipment for the safe transportation of flammable and explosive gases such as methane, and its performance has a significant impact on the effectiveness of coal mine gas drainage. In the view of the problems that the WRV pump is a high-energy consumption and low efficiency rotodynamic machine, based on the working principle and the energy loss process of the WRV pump, a new energy saving method for WRV pump is proposed. The influence mechanism of the viscoelastic property of the polymer drag-reducing fluid on the gas-liquid two-phase flow field in the pump is presented. The WRV pump performance tests are conducted to investigate the influence of drag reducer type, concentration and pump speed on the energy-saving performance, and a polymeric drag reducer suitable for high turbulence and strong shear environment in WRV pump is developed. A set of energy-efficiency system of WRV pump is proposed to adapt to the working conditions for the coal mine gas drainage station, and the functions and technical processes of key units such as the preparation and replenishment device of drag-reducing fluid, quantitative water supply device and energy-saving operation and monitoring system for WRV pump are introduced. The results show that with the increase of the concentration of drag reducing fluid, the energy-saving rate and gas flow rate increase, and the optimal energy saving concentration is found to be 4.5 g/L. With the increase of inlet pressure, the energy-saving rate increases rapidly as a quadratic function, but the increase rate of gas flow rate decreases. When the pump speed increases, the energy saving effect become more obvious. The results of the field application in the Zhangji coal mine show that the technology can significantly reduce the energy consumption of the WRV pump operation. Under the condition of the constant drainage negative pressure, the energy-saving rate of the pump is 21.1%, and the net energy-saving rate from the cost-benefit analysis is 18.2%, which has a significant energy-saving benefit and effectively alleviates the problem of high-energy consumption of gas drainage pumping station.


