
Seismic mechanism of coal pillar-key layer structure in fully mechanized caving face of inclined thick coal seam

  • 摘要: 采空区遗留煤柱支撑顶板导致厚硬关键层悬顶面积大幅增大,形成的“煤柱-关键层”结构失稳是诱发矿震和冲击地压灾害的主要原因。以新疆硫磺沟煤矿(4-5)06矿震频发工作面为工程背景,采用理论分析、数值模拟、微震监测和现场调研等方法,研究了“采空区遗留煤柱-关键层”组成的覆岩空间结构特征,分析了采空区遗留煤柱应力演化规律和关键层力学结构特性,建立了非对称覆岩空间结构下采空区遗留煤柱应力分布估算模型和倾斜关键层极限跨度计算力学模型,揭示了倾斜厚煤层综放工作面“煤柱-关键层”结构失稳型矿震发生机理:采空区遗留煤柱支撑顶板形成“煤柱-关键层”结构,随着工作面开采范围增大,煤柱应力集中程度不断增加,当煤柱集中应力超过其极限承载能力发生失稳时,悬露关键层长度超过其极限跨度,发生破断失稳并诱发矿震和冲击地压灾害。据此建立了包含遗留煤柱整体失稳冲击倾向性指数和关键层极限跨距的“煤柱-关键层”结构失稳型矿震发生判别准则,并采用数值模拟和微震监测进行了验证。按照“有震无灾”的防治原则,提出了“煤柱-关键层”结构下工作面“减震-防冲”的技术措施,分析了工作面推采速度与大能量微震事件的关系,确立了降低工作面矿震能量和频次的合理推采速度为不超过3 m/d,保障了工作面的安全回采。


    Abstract: The residual coal pillar supporting roof in goaf leads to a large increase in the hanging area of thick and hard key layers.The structural instability of “coal pillar-key layer” is the main cause of mine earthquake and rock burst disasters.Based on the engineering background of the(4-5)06 earthquake-prone working face in Xinjiang Liuhuanggou Coal Mine, the spatial structure characteristics of overburden composed of “residual coal pillar and key layer in goaf” were studied by using the methods of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, microseismic monitoring and field investigation.The stress evolution law of residual coal pillar and the mechanical structure characteristics of key layer in goaf were analyzed.The stress distribution estimation model of residual coal pillar in goaf under asymmetric overburden spatial structure and the limit span calculation mechanical model of inclined key layer were established.The occurrence mechanism of “coal pillar key layer” structure instability mine earthquake in a fully mechanized top coal caving face of inclined thick coal seam was revealed.The supporting roof of the residual coal pillar in the goaf forms a “coal pillar-key layer” structure.With the increase of the mining range of the working face, the stress concentration of the coal pillar continues to increase.When the concentrated stress of coal pillar exceeds its ultimate bearing capacity, the length of the key exposed layer exceeds its ultimate span, and the fracture instability occurs, which induces mine earthquake and rock burst disasters.Based on this, a criterion for the occurrence of “coal pillar-key layer” structural instability earthquake was established, which includes the overall instability rock burst tendency index of residual coal pillar and the limit span of key layer, and it was verified by numerical simulation and microseismic monitoring.According to the prevention and control principle of “earthquake without disaster”, the technical measures of “seismic mitigation-scour prevention” of the working face under the structure of “coal pillar-key layer” were proposed, and the relationship between the mining speed of the working face and the large energy microseismic events was analyzed.It was established that the reasonable mining speed to reduce the mine earthquake energy and frequency of the working face is not more than 3 m/d, which ensures the safe mining of the working face.


