
Coordinated optimal control of the speed of shearer and scraper conveyor based on their energy consumption models

  • 摘要: 综采工作面“智能化+装备”协同控制是实现煤矿综采智能化关键技术之一,采煤机和刮板输送机作为综采工作面的两大核心装备,其协同运行状态决定了整个综采过程的智能化程度、效率和能耗。基于前期研究建立的采煤机能耗模型,结合双向割煤工艺特点,通过对刮板输送机在不同工艺阶段的煤量线密度、实时煤量及运行阻力的分析,建立了刮板输送机的能耗模型。为验证该模型的合理性,以山西某煤矿9105综采工作面双机系统作为研究对象,通过MATLAB仿真得到的双机基准速度及其同比率增加或减少时的系统能耗变化趋势与实际经验相符。为明确牵引速度、滚筒转速及刮板链速度变化对采煤机和刮板输送机能耗的影响,通过对45组不同速度协同组合下采煤机和刮板输送机的能耗变化情况进行仿真分析,得出双机能耗最速下降路径的速度协同组合方向。其次,在满足采煤量、速度要求、生产时间等约束条件下,以采煤机和刮板输送机协同运行时的总能耗最小为目标,建立了双机速度协同优化模型,提出基于双机能耗模型的速度协同优化控制方法。为突出协同优化控制方法的优势,以同一综采工作面为研究对象,通过仿真得到优化协同速度及相应的能耗,与基准速度下的能耗相比,在一个生产循环中,采煤机可节能4.47%,刮板输送机可节能11.71%,双机系统总节能可达10.9%,因此,所提出的协同优化控制方法能有效降低采煤机和刮板输送机双机系统的能耗。


    Abstract: The synergy of “intelligentization + equipment” is one of the indispensable technologies to realize the intelligentization of fully mechanized coal mining.The shearer and scraper conveyor(abbreviated as SC)are the core equipment of fully mechanized mining, whose coordination determines the overall smartness, efficiency, and energy consumption in coal mining production.Based on the authors’ previous research on the shearer’s energy consumption model and the characteristics of bidirectional mining, the authors established the energy consumption model of the scraper conveyor considering the operation of the shearer through the analysis of the density and real-time coal flow as well as operational resistance on scraper conveyor during each mining process.In order to verify the validity of the established model, a realistic SC system of the 9105 mining face of a coal mine in Shanxi province was taken as a study case.The MATLAB simulation result of the variation trend of the scraper conveyor’s energy consumption, especially when the traction speed and the chain speed are at the reference or proportionally change in a certain range, is consistent with the practical experience.Simulations with 45 groups of speed coordination reveal insights into the impact of the three speeds on the energy consumption of the SC, and the path of the maximum decrease for the energy consumption through speed coordination can be derived.Furthermore, an optimal control method for coordinated traction speed, drum rotational speed, and chain speed based on the energy consumption models is proposed to minimize the total energy consumption in the bidirectional mining under various constraints such as production quantity, speed limits, mining time, etc.With the purpose of highlighting the superiorities of the proposed optimal control method, the optimized coordinated speeds and their corresponding energy consumptions are obtained through MATLAB simulation on the same 9105 mining face.The comparisons among the reference speeds, and the optimized ones demonstrate that the proposed coordinated optimal control reduces the total energy consumption up to 10.9% in a single production cycle, in which the energy consumption of the shearer and scraper conveyor are reduced by 4.47% and 11.71%, respectively.The results show that the proposed coordinated optimal control can effectively decrease the energy consumption of the SC.


