
Improving the influence function method to take topography into the calculation of mining subsidence

  • 摘要: 影响函数法广泛应用于地下层状矿体的开采沉陷计算。理论上,该方法适用于水平地表条件下的沉陷预计。将地形变化纳入影响函数法,使此方法可以应用于非水平地表条件下。为了剔除其他开采和地质因素的影响,除地形变化外可能影响沉陷形态的因素都被固定了的简化数值模型被应用于研究中。根据这些数值模拟实验的结果,若干影响函数法的参数,包括影响半径、影响角和下沉率,通过4个地形相关的修正系数被重定义为地表相对矿体高程的函数。优化后的影响函数法可以更好的拟合非水平地表条件下的数值模拟结果和现场观测数据。相较于经典影响函数法,该方法需要将地表点相对矿体的高程作为输入数据。在其他开采、地质条件下,构建简单数值模型的方法可以被用于估算相应条件下的地形影响修正系数。


    Abstract: The classic influence function method is often used in the calculation of mining subsidence caused by strati- form underground excavations. Theoretically,its use is limited to the subsidence predictions under the condition of hor- izontal ground surface. In order to improve the original influence function method to take topographic variations into ac- count. Due to real-world mining conditions that are usually complicated,it is difficult to separate topography influences from influences caused by other factors. The present work uses simplified numerical simulation models to analyze the topography influence only,avoiding the effects of other factors. Then several parameters of the influence function meth- od,including the influence radius,influence angle,and vertical subsidence coefficient,are adjusted by considering four correction factors with respect to the topography. They all can be defined as functions of the relative surface elevations with ore body. After this,the improved influence function method can well fit the numerical simulation results and field measurement data. Comparing to the original method,the improved method only takes the topography as additional in- put data. The method of constructing the simplified numerical simulation models can be used to solve the topographic correction factors under other mining and geological conditions.


